
Monetary Donations

Your donations are always welcome and appreciated! We rely on the generous contributions and donations from our community, individuals and companies to fund this charitable organization.

Project Sleep Tight is a qualifying Charitable Tax Credit Organization!

This program allows you to deduct your donation to a Qualifying Charitable Organization from your Arizona state tax liability. You can deduct up to $400 for a single taxpayer or $800 for a married couple.

Learn more about this program at:

  • If you would like a tax receipt, please include your name, address, value of your donation and a self-addressed return envelope.
  • Individuals may deduct the fair market value of donated in-kind items.

Fair market value according to the IRS is the amount that the item would sell for in its present condition in a thrift or consignment shop.

  • Also according to the IRS, you must file Form 8283 if the amount of your deduction for all non-cash donations is $500 or more.
  • Please see IRS Publication 561 for ALL questions regarding valuing your items.
  • The valuation is the responsibility of the donor.

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